Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tip for Tuesday: The Phantom Sock Solution

We love it when our readers share their genius tips with us, and this one was no exception!

You know how your washer and dryer seem to mysteriously eat your socks? Annmarie from momto8blog shared her super simple solution to this common problem: buy each family member a mesh lingerie bag. Keep dirty socks in the bag. Wash. Dry. No phantom socks.

Is your mind blown? That's what we thought.

Be sure to thank Annmarie for giving you an excuse to go to Target (like you really needed one anyway, right?),  and for her awesome solution to the oh-so-common phantom sock!

We would love you to share your favorite tip with us. We might just try it out and feature you and your idea on Tip for Tuesday! 

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