Monday, July 8, 2013

Bake Outside the Box: Savory and Scrumptious

Baking doesn't always mean sweet stuff.

Despite my long post last week, I don't always bake sweet things :)

I also like to bake something to go with our dinner. We always have one "starch" with dinner and mashed potatoes can get old fast. So, to mix it up a little, I try to have one dinner each week where I bake one of the below recipes.

I try to find things that are quick and easy- I don't like to spend a lot of time on dinner so these are good "go to" side dishes!

I have linked the recipes to their source, but these are also on the BOTB Pinterest Board!

Cheese Biscuits (shown in picture above)
Homestyle Biscuits
Special Occasion Rosemary Olive Oil Bread *slightly more work, but worth it!
Cheesy Garlic and Herb Breadsticks
Bake Your Own Chips *might not be traditional "baking" but you have to prep and bake them in the oven ;)
Sweet Corn Bread *great with BBQ
Basic Buttermilk Corn Bread *awesome with beans or chili

Sometimes when baking, you may not have the exact ingredients on hand. Here are some substitutions you can make:
Buttermilk= 1 cup whole milk + 1 tbs vinegar
Self Rising Flour= 3/4 cup ap flour + 1/4 tsp salt + 1 tsp baking powder
Shortening= equal amount of butter

Now that I have caught you all up on my favorite things to bake, I will be sharing new baking recipes from time to time. Feel free to share your favorite thing to bake- I'd love to try it!

More BOTB: breakfast, sweet treats, bread.

1 comment:

  1. MUST try those cheese biscuits! The rosemary bread sounds good too. Panera used to have a rosemary onion focaccia bread. It was out of this world! I was heartbroken when they quit carrying it. :(


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