Monday, July 22, 2013

Clean & Lean: Sock-Folding Wall Sits

Summer is a time for bare feet, right? Not for my Little Man! He has a grass allergy that means he has to wear sock year round.

He doesn't seem to mind, and neither do I. To make the most of my time matching up pairs of socks, I incorporate some wall sits!

Wall sits bring out my competitive side. I love to set goals for myself so I always try to fold one more pair of socks before I have to stand up. My hamstrings hate me, but it's a good burn! These are also a great compliment to Laundry Plies, working different muscles but all in your legs.

Proper Form
Tummy Tight. Suck your belly button into your spine.
Place your back to the wall and bend your knees forming a 90 degree angle. Imagine you are sitting in a chair.
Hold this position for as long as you can stand it.

Clean & Lean
Place all of your mis-matched socks on your lap and match them up while you are "sitting". {See this tip to keep all your socks together.}
Having an activity to do helps distract you from all the muscle you are building.

Step It Up
Time is the biggest factor here.
Work your way up to 1, then 2 minutes.

Run out of socks to fold? Try to fold all of your laundry like this!

Want to be efficient and "lean" while you clean? Check out all of our Clean & Lean ideas!

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