Monday, July 15, 2013

Secrets to Surviving Road Trips With Kids

I recently took a road trip with KC and the kids. We drove 10 hours.

t e n    h o u r s

It was actually enjoyable, to be honest. We are fortunate that our kids like don't mind being in the car, they don't get car sick, and they can fall asleep easily when they are tired.

Even taking all that into consideration, 10 hours (one way) is a long time! Here are some mommy machine secrets to keeping your sanity on a long drive:

1. Each kid gets to bring one bag-o-toys.
I have these great 31 square totes that have the kids names on them. My 4 year old gets to pick which toys he brings, I pick toys for my 2 year old (I pick from the stash of toys in her closet that she hasn't played with in a while).

*31 doesn't sell the exact cubes I have anymore, but here is something similar. Not a sponsored post/comment, just lettin' you know.

2. The DVD player is your best friend.
Each kiddo gets to bring 2 DVD's. We take turns picking the DVD they are watching. I usually start a movie when the kids are needing to take their nap and when they wake up from nap- this is when they are their grumpiest.

3. Snacks, snacks, snacks.
Nothing brings on whiny and cranky like low blood sugar, think of the Snickers commercials. The snacks aren't just for the kids, though. KC and I bring snacks along to avoid the "oh look, another Dairy Queen, let's stop" situations. You can pack a lot of the same snacks you make for the week, just make sure you keep ice in the cooler with "refrigerated items".

4. Plan fun stops and meal breaks.
I always check Google Maps & Yelp! before we hit the road. I look for fun rest stops with parks, restaurants that are family friendly and different than what we can find at home, and things that interest my kids. These distractions and opportunities to "stretch your legs" are great for kids and adults.

5. Stay organized.
Nothing is worse than trying to find the Goldfish while your 2 year old screams and cries or having to climb into the trunk to find someones favorite dinosaur. Keeping everything within reach and organized prevents melt-downs, for you and the kids :-) I keep all of our snacks, toys, drinks, diapers, wipes, DVD's, and anything else I may need nice and organized:
  • The cold snacks go behind the driver's seat- easy access to the passenger and if you set your A/C to blow on the floor and up on the higher vents it will help to keep the cooler cold.
  • The kid's toys ride in between their car seats.
  • Other snacks as well as rest stop necessities (diapers and wipes) stay behind the passenger seat in the diaper bag.
  • The DVD player rides on top of the center console.

I love road trips! With the right preparation, they can be so fun and they are a great way to spend quality time with your family.

What's your secret to road trip success? We'd love to hear it!

1 comment:

  1. Traveling with kids pose extra challenges, from getting through the security line at airports with a stroller to endure long car rides. Thanks for some great ideas to make the trip fun and easy for parents and kids alike


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