Friday, July 19, 2013

The Energy Bus

When I had Little Man my life changed. All of a sudden I couldn't be selfish. I couldn't just think about me and my happiness, I had to think about my attitude and the choices I was making as they related to him and our family. Whoa! That's a lot of pressure!

I didn't want him to see me as a negative person, I started being much more intentional about my attitude. I wanted him to learn from my example to be able to turn a stressful, negative situation into a positive experience.

Negativity is something that I try to avoid. I can't be positive everyday all day, but I can choose to have a positive attitude more often than not. Positivity is a choice. Often, negativity is the easier choice- gossip, complaining, whining all come easy.  But choosing to smile, laugh, and encourage are choices that are well worth the effort!

The book, The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon is being passed around my office. It is all about positivity and the great impact it can have on your life and the people around you.  I love books like this!! It's not cheesy, it is positive.

There are a few take away messages I want to share with you all. I find these things help me to be a better mom and make my family a happier family. I love when an author can articulate something so simple in such a profound way.

Positivity is a choice. You are the only one who can choose how you react to situations
"no one can chose your attitude but you".
You choose for you and this has an impact on others.
"This one choice will determine if your life is a success story or one big soap opera."

Think about it, if your kid is throwing a fit and you yell and react in an angry, negative way does your child really stop throwing a fit or does it get worse? If you choose to listen to why your child is upset and then react calmly, your child will calm down faster too.
"it's how we choose to deal with the events in our life that means everything"

It is amazing how everything aligns and falls into place when you are looking at life in a positive way. There is a positive side to every event, every day, every story. Positivity makes everything more fun! I realize this sounds cheesy, but it's the truth!
"the closer you get to the truth, the simpler and more powerful the lessons become."
By choosing to be positive, you attract positive people, positive events, and more positive thoughts.  Even when something negative has got your down, think of 3 positive things (I'm happy to be alive, I love my kids, my family is the best thing that ever happened to me), smile, and watch your mood lift!

I hope you find that positive thoughts and positive energy come easy to you. It takes practice. But being positive makes life more fun and less stressful!

What is something positive in your life?

Here is a link to The Energy Bus on Amazon, this is not a sponsored post.

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