Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday Favorite: DIY Water Slide

Here in Oklahoma, it gets HOT in the summer. So hot it can be unbearable to be outside. We typically stay inside between 10ish-4ish. That doesn't mean we miss the heat though.

In order to make our time outside more enjoyable, we turn the hose on everything. The kids toys get hot in the afternoon so you have to hose them down. Even the giant water pillow gets hot hot hot so you've got to cool it down, too.

At some point I got tired of holding the hose, and the kids get burned out on the sprinkler (pun intended), so the hose, plus the slide and a few pieces of duct tape- we've got a DIY water slide!

Put this on the water pillow and you've got a whole splash pad! Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating, but the kids love it!

 It really is this easy, folks.

But it is also hours of fun!

Stay cool friends.

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