Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday Favorite: Giant Water Pillow

I'm sure you all have seen this idea on Pinterest. My kids love the giant water pillow! I love it too :)

Since we have done this a few times now, I thought I'd share some tips and tricks to making the most of your $15 investment. If done right, this can provide you with weeks of fun!

First, make sure your plastic sheeting is more than 3 MIL. I'm using 3.5 MIL. Any duck tape will do.
I also get a very large piece of plastic. This way there is plenty of room for both kids- and me! {you'll see}

Unfold your plastic. Then fold it in half. {like a "hamburger" not a "hot dog"} I use a couple of the kids toys to anchor the plastic down. It doesn't have to be super neat, but it does help especially if there is any wind.

Now, I tear off small pieces of tape and use them to keep the plastic's edges together. Every 6-8 inches, put a tab of tape. Make sure to keep the edges even.

Once you've tabbed one side, tear off pieces of duck tape. Try to make the tape pieces 6-8 inches long- you want it to be manageable and not fold over on itself. Place the tape in the top side of the plastic allowing half of the width of tape to hang over the edge. Then, making sure the edges of plastic are even, fold the tape over and press to seal. Like so:

Keep doing this along all 3 open sides {since you folded the plastic in half, one side is sealed already! yay!} If you crease the tape, like the picture above, place more duck tape over the creases. This is where water will leak, so you want to make sure you correct it now!

 Make sure to add extra tape on the corners to really seal them up!
After the sides are all sealed {and I realize I haven't left an opening for the hose- stay with me}, lay the plastic out on a flat section of the yard and anchor it down so it is nice and smooth.

Using scissors, cut a small opening in one of the corners, preferably the corner that is on the "highest ground". Stick the hose in and keep threading the hose into the water pillow. You will want the end of the hose to be in the middle of the water pillow for even filling.

It will take a while to fill... so go inside and get on swim suits and sunscreen or something :-) Try to keep the kids off of the water pillow as it is filling.

You might have to prop the hose up to keep the water from spilling out of the opening as it is filling up.

If your yard is like mine, with no flat spots, then use toys or even the fence to help keep the water pillow from rolling
Once the water pillow is full, remove the hose and seal up the hole with more duck tape.
As you are playing, look for leaks and use more duck tape to seal them up.

This is my preferred arrangement. I like to lay out while the kids are on the other end. It kind of feels like you are floating :-)

This isn't a permanent play place. It will lose water- you can refill it. It will stretch and tear- you can repair it. Once it has been worn out, just throw it away!

My last recommendation is actually from KC, move the water pillow around so you don't kill the patch of grass underneath it ;-)

Have fun and relax while the kids play! I will have one last tip for you next Friday to really upgrade this Friday Favorite experience... stay tuned!

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