Friday, July 26, 2013

5 Tips for a Great Girl's Getaway

I love taking "girl's trips". They rejuvenate me. I have a couple of friends who I like to plan special trips with every so often. More than just a night out, we get away.

Spending time with my family is wonderful- I love them. But getting away, even for just a night, and spending time with my girls is so fun!

Jess, Lauren and I are getting away TOMORROW! As a little pre-girl's-weekend celebration, I thought I would share a few tips with you to make any girl's getaway as enjoyable as possible! You want to de-stress and unwind- here's 5 tips to help you plan.

1. Pick a place that works for what you want. Every destination has a certain expectation associated with it. Before I had kids I wanted to meet my friends someplace with great shopping and a party night life. Now that I have kids, my idea of a getaway is slow-paced, relaxing, and with cheap happy hour options. :-) Whatever your group's expectation, make sure you select a destination that will be a good fit.

2. Pin it! Pinterest is a great tool to get everyone on the same page. You can create a board that everyone who is coming on the trip can pin to. On our last adventure, Jess, Lauren and I went to Kansas City, in preparation we pinned up a storm! Stores to shop, places to eat, clothes to wear, attractions that we didn't want to miss. It was so fun to see all of the things we could do that by the time we got there we were so excited- not just to see each other, but to go to the places we had pinned!

3. Find the good food! But find it before you go. Take time to figure out what restaurants will be close to where you are staying and playing. Pinterest, Yelp, and the city's chamber website can usually point you in the right direction when looking for local food that meets your taste bud's standards. Make sure you are taking into consideration how you will get around- if you are walking everywhere find places to eat nearby.

4. Plan one main event. Maybe you are looking forward to a spa day, shopping at a particular store, crafting, or a nice 5 course meal. Whatever it is, plan your "main event". By planning this one thing you can ensure that you are getting the most out of your getaway. Your friends might want to join you, but maybe they don't. It's ok to split up, especially if you have a large group. Maybe you have a spa day while your friends hit up the nearby mall- no big deal! Everyone should feel like they are getting the most out of their weekend. Plan it ahead of time so that no one's "main event" gets overlooked.

5. Don't over plan.  The whole idea of a getaway is that you get away. From stress, from responsibility (sort of), from schedules.  Another great thing about having a "girl's trip pin board" is that you don't have to have a schedule. For our trip to Kansas City, every morning we consulted our board and came up with a game plan for our day. Perfect use of a pin! This year we are getting together at the lake and the only "plans" we have are to be crafty (at least one craft each) and drink sangria. You can imagine what our pin board looks ;)

Bottom line: a getaway with the girls should be a good time. By putting in a little planning before you go, you can relax and enjoy the trip even more!

Where is your favorite place to getaway? We'd love to hear about it!

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