Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tip for Tuesday: Lazy Cookie Bars

Last night I was craving cookies, but I was feeling less than motivated to spend so much of my time dealing with making them.

I got the clever idea that I could make the cookies into bars- which would cut down on time, and, not to mention, work!

Next time you're feeling "less than motivated", but want to satisfy your cookie craving, put your cookie dough into a 9x13 pan and stick it in the oven for about 20 minutes (recipes may vary, so just check in on them every now and then).

This should work with most cookie recipes. I think the only ones it may not work with are the super chewy/flat kind of cookies- although, if you like your cookies that way, this would probably work. I'm kind of a puffy, fluffy, thicker cookie kind of girl.

And yes, there are a few small pieces missing out of the pan. Self-control was non-existant after these came out of the oven.


  1. I did this once with oatmeal cookies. It turned out excellent! Why would we ever do it another way again? ;)

  2. That's a great idea!! Ill have to try that soon!! Thanks!!


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