Monday, July 1, 2013

Bake Outside the Box: Sweet Treats

Helloooooooo, sweet tooth!!

I have a crazy sweet tooth.

Candy- I can take it or leave it. But put a jar of cookies on my kitchen counter and I lose self-control.

Chocolate is my weakness. I love chocolate anything. Well, not coconut. Chocolate can't save coconut.

I believe that baking from scratch and understanding what ingredients are going into your food can make a difference in your thought processes. It can help you to be more intentional about how much and how often you eat the things you love {like cookies and brownies}. This makes a difference in your health!

I have shared my favorite healthy oatmeal cookie recipe already, but I don't always make these healthier substitutions. If I am making dessert for a family dinner, or if we are celebrating something, I will go all in- but I also know that I will be sharing these desserts. That makes a big difference in the number of calories that are left to sit in front of my face.

Freezing cookies and brownies is one of my favorite Mommy Machine Secrets.  These things freeze really well and then they are out of sight, out of mind. I have also found that, in the summer, a frozen chocolate chip cookie is the perfect treat!

Recently, I was given the gift of an ice cream maker! Even more homemade goodness to add to my lists.

I find comfort in baking. It makes me happy. Biologically speaking, the sugar adds to that happiness {it releases endorphins to the brain that make us feel happy}. But there is also comfort and happiness in being able to share the love. My Little Man loves to help me bake, that's great bonding time!

Check out the BOTB Pinterest Board for my favorite go-to recipes to satisfy my sweet tooth. I make one of these every week- 3 out of 4 weeks I make healthy substitutions with whole wheat flour, egg beaters and applesauce instead of half of the butter.

One week each month I "bake to share"! If we aren't having a big family dinner then I take some to work with me.

As a bonus, I'm also sharing my Healthilicious Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe! Enjoy!!

1/2 c. margarine or butter
1/2 c. unsweetened applesauce
1 c. brown sugar
2 eggs or egg beater equivalent
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
1 c. whole wheat flour
2 c. all purpose flour
1-1/2 c. chocolate chips

Mix the margarine or butter, applesauce and sugar until well combined. Add eggs and vanilla then mix well.

Mix in flours and baking soda until combined. Add chocolate chips and stir until evenly distributed.

Use a small scoop to drop dough onto a baking sheet. Bake at 375 for 8-10 minutes.
*To freeze: allow to cool completely on a wire rack. Place in a large freezer safe plastic bag, seal, and freeze.

To see more BOTB posts click here and here.

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