Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Frozen Passion Tea Lemonade

It's no secret I'm a Starbucks addict fan. I love an iced decaf non-fat caramel macchiato any time of the day or year, but I'm also kind of obsessed with passion tea lemonade. My BFF, Lauren, introduced it to me while we were on an girls weekend in Kansas City a couple years ago and I've loved it ever since!

When the hubs and I were in Ohio for our friends wedding a few months ago, we made frequent Starbucks trips. I picked up a box of their Iced Passion Tea Bags since the closest Starbucks to our home is 40 miles... and they don't have fun stuff like this. I've been making big pitchers of passion tea concentrate to use in lemonade, and the other day I had an epiphany- frozen passion tea lemonade!

The recipe is really versatile- use less lemonade for a stronger tea flavor, or less tea for a stronger lemonade flavor. More or less ice depending on how thick or slushy you want your drink. It's all up to you, really. It's hardly a recipe... more of an idea! ha ha!

It's simple and so refreshing in the summer heat. If you love passion tea lemonade, you'll love this! Cheers!

Frozen Passion Tea Lemonade


3/4 C. Passion tea concentrate (make as directed on your tea box, but it must be chilled)
1/2 C. Simply Lemonade
Sweetener (optional. I drink mine unsweetened, so start with a small amount and add more as needed.)
2 handfuls of ice


Add all ingredients to blender. Use the "ice" button your blender or choose the setting that works best with ice, and mix until it's a slushy consistency.


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