Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Calcium- What's the Big Deal Anyway?

When most of us think of calcium we think of two things- dairy and bones. I like to think I get my daily dose of calcium every morning with my skinny decaf toffee latte- it's my favorite way to put a dent into my daily dose. Ha ha!

But, did you know that calcium can come from sources other than milk, yogurt, and cheese?  Or that calcium does more than build strong bones?

Calcium aids in muscle contractions, blood clotting, nerve impulses, secretion of hormones and, of course, in bone structure. Those are some pretty important jobs- and many women have a hard time getting their daily dose of calcium.

I'm really not a milk drinker unless it's in my coffee or flavored with chocolate, and my morning coffee definitely doesn't give me all the calcium I need for the day. Bummer, right? Well, the good news is that there are lots of other ways to get calcium that don't come from milk or dairy!

White Beans
Soy or Coconut Milk
Fortified Orange Juice
Cheerios (fortified)

What's your favorite source of calcium? I won't judge if you say ice cream or a mocha/latte/fancy coffee drink- those are my favorites too! :) 

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