Thursday, April 25, 2013

My Journey to be Healthier: 10 to 8

This week, I reached a milestone in my journey towards living a healthier life.

I have been on this journey for a long time. I realize being healthy is a journey you take on for your whole lifetime. Much like Journey I "don't stop believin'". Even in difficult times (like when I gained too much weight during my pregnancies) I just kept telling myself that I needed to find a way to make "healthy" work for me. "It goes on and on and on and on..." {I digress}

This journey is why I began to "clean & lean". It all started with vacuum lunges. I called Jess and said "omg. I can't believe I just did lunges while I was vacuuming. And I can't believe it was 20 minutes of cardio!" She said "omg. Don't stop believin'". Ok, maybe those weren't her exact words...

That was two months ago.

Since then, I have been much more conscious of every move I make. I try to figure out how I can exert extra energy (read: burn extra calories) in every thing that I do and how I can focus on working out the different muscle groups ("tummy tight makes your abs alright").

It's almost like a game show: "Let's play: How will I ex-er-ciiiiiiiise today?!".

All of these wacky ideas, like window crunchesdishwasher arms, and a few more that I will continue to share, are just me trying to work in a little extra work out. This is my motivation. I realize it isn't everyone's motivation. I wish I was motivated to run, but I'm not. I wish I was motivated to go to the gym, but I'm not. My journey and my motivation has been paying off.

This week I fit into a pair of jeans that I haven't worn in over 2 years (since I was 3 months pregnant with Little Miss). I have gone from a size 10 to a size 8.

Sweet success!

That's a big deal to me, size 10 is the biggest size I have ever worn- that's how I knew I had work to do. I don't know how much weight I have lost because I don't own a scale. I don't weigh myself. I don't think about "numbers".

I think about "healthy". To me, healthy means fitting into my "pre-second child" jeans. Healthier will mean continuing to take this journey where it leads me and always believin' in my motivation to make every movement count. I will never be a size 2, and I'm ok with that.

Jess and I understand that balancing a healthy lifestyle is hard, but so worth it! We are so excited to be able to share our insights and secrets about how we stay on our journey to be as healthy as we can possibly be.

Plus, we "don't stop believin'" we can do it- and we won't let you doubt yourself either!

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