Monday, April 8, 2013

Groceries 2 Weeks at a Time

When I say that I grocery shop 2 weeks at a time, what I mean is that I TRY to shop two weeks at a time... Most of the time I make 2 big shopping trips each month and somewhere in between, I usually make 2-3 "quick trips" to get things I need fresh- veggies and fruit, or things I have forgotten- goldfish crackers, coffee, etc.

I use my monthly meal plan & Pinterest board to help me with my list. I only plan dinners, so I also have to add things we eat for breakfast, lunch and snacks.

I make sure I add quantities to my items so that I buy enough but not too much. For example, if we are having french fries and mashed potatoes in the same 2 week time frame, I would write "potatoes 6" on my list.

I always check the pantry, fridge, and freezer to make sure I don't already have something on hand.  I also inventory "the basics" while I am checking for ingredients- I add baking and cooking supplies to the list as needed.  Keeping these spaces organized is a must! I don't have to worry about things getting overlooked, as long as my pantry is kept in order.

There are certain things that I always make sure I have- Ragu, pasta, taco seasoning, taco shells. I can always have dinner ready in 20 minutes or less if I have these things in my pantry :) They are often on my monthly meal plan, but even if they aren't, I make sure I have these ingredients for those nights that don't go as planned.

Most of the time I don't have to rely on backups like spaghetti and tacos. I try not to have too many "extra" items, this is where my meal planning comes in handy. I find that as long as I stick to my menu while making my list, and stick to my list while shopping we have very little waste and our budget stays in check.

I make my list on my phone. I have an app for that.  I love this for many reasons, but mainly because my phone is always handy so I can add random things like toilet paper or Clorox wipes as needed and because I don't have to worry about forgetting or losing my list!

I buy in bulk when possible- but I don't shop at a wholesale store. WalMart is where I get my groceries. They don't have everything I want all the time, but I usually find everything I need.  I do love the individually wrapped, hormone free chicken that I can buy a bunch of, freeze, and only thaw what I will need.

The only thing I do not get at the grocery store is our ground beef. We buy that straight from a ranch close to home. If we ever run out, I use store bought ground beef very sparingly. During Farmer's Market season I try to buy our produce there.

As I am in the store, I walk every aisle. I start in the back of the store and work my way to the front, checking my list as I go. I delete items from my list on my phone as I put them in my cart.

It's not a perfect science, I wish I could say that my list is categorized and in order, but it's not. I even have to back track on occasion. O well. When I get home, I know that, for the most part, I won't have to shop again for 2 weeks! That's a great feeling.

There you have it. That's my grocery shopping system! 

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea!

    Thanks for sharing at the Link Up this week! :)


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