Monday, April 1, 2013

Clean & Lean: Dishwasher Arms

Does doing the dishes make you want to punch something? No? Yes? Maybe?

There are times that the last thing I want to do is the dishes. I'm not a big fan of unloading and reloading the dishwasher. However, I despise having to hand wash dishes, so I maintain a love-hate relationship with my dishwasher.

To make me feel better about doing the dishes, and about life in general, I take this opportunity to do a little arm workout. Bonus: this helps build core stabilizing muscles, too!

Proper form

  • Feet should be shoulder width apart.
  • Knees slightly bent.
  • Tummy tight. Try not to laugh. But if you do, because it is kind of silly to be punching in your kitchen, keep your tummy tight and count it as a more intense ab workout. 
  • Starting position: arms up, elbows bent, make a fist! 

Clean & Lean

Channel your inner Bruce Lee and "punch out" the silverware drawer {just an expression, mind you}. As you unload each piece of silverware do the below moves:
  • Spoons: for every spoon you put up in the silverware drawer, do a Left-then-Right uppercut
  • Forks: for every fork you put up, do a Left-then-Right jab
  • Knives: for every knife you put up, do Left-then-Right cross
  • Utensils: for the other utensils you have to put up, do all 3 punches!
{Mix it up- you don't have to do all the spoons at once, do a little spoon, knife, fork; or fork, fork, spoon, knife.}

Remember to keep your abs tight- like you are trying to pull your belly button toward your spine.

Step It Up {Once the above moves feel too easy}

  • If you still need a little more stress relief, repeat the same exercises while loading the dishwasher too (but remember- you will need to do at least 10 reps, so make sure the sink is full of dirty dishes if you are doing it this way).
  • I dare you to strap ankle weights to your wrists. Go!
Now you have an organized, clean silverware drawer and you are well on your way to leaner arms and stronger abs!

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea! I absolutely hate doing dishes too, but I'm just incredibly grossed out by dirty dishes.


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