Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Cut the Junk: Breakfast Makeover

When I was younger, I was not a breakfast person. I literally couldn't stomach it. Then usually while I was sitting in 2nd hour (hello, 1997!) my stomach would start making all kinds of crazy noises. You know the ones I'm talking about.

{P.S. If you missed week one of this series, check it out here.}

As a parent, I make sure my kiddos eat breakfast and I notice a difference when they do. I'm also very conscious about what they eat because as you know, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!". Cliche, I  know, but it's true.

If you're like most parents, convenience is a big part of your breakfast routine. You need something quick and easy; I get it. Believe me, I don't slave away making homemade breakfasts every morning. But, I do offer healthier alternatives to my kids.

There are so many sugary breakfast cereals, bars and pastries available today, and while those are ok once in a while, they are not ideal for starting off the morning right. Not to mention, they are usually filled with artificial colors, sugars, fat, and sodium. And yes, cereals are processed. We go for organic cereals without artificial colors and flavors. It's part of our 20%, although we are very mindful of the ingredients- regardless.

Give your breakfast a makeover with these healthier alternatives!

1. Homemade granola with milk and fresh fruit

2. Plain greek yogurt- top with berries or stir in homemade berry sauce

3. Eggs with 100% whole wheat toast, fruit, and organic bacon

4. Smoothies. Add in some spinach. You won't taste it. Pinky promise.

5. Oatmeal. You can make "instant" oatmeal packets at home.

My daughter's favorite breakfast is a cereal breakfast parfait. It's super simple, quick to put together, and delicious! She loves to pick out the yogurt flavor and fruit topping; it's a great way to get kids involved in the kitchen.

And yes, cereals are processed. We go for organic cereals with few ingredients and without artificial colors and flavors.

What you'll need:
Cereal (Envirokids Gorilla Munch, or any cereal without artificial flavor/color)
Chobani Champions Greek Yogurt
Fresh Fruit

Layer just a like a parfait: cereal, yogurt, and top with fruit. Enjoy! 

Try this recipe with your kids; I promise they will love it. Then give some of our other breakfast ideas a try. You'll feel good knowing you're giving your family a wholesome, nutritious breakfast!

Do you have a great breakfast makeover idea? We would love to hear about it, so leave your idea in the comment section- we might just feature it in a future post!


  1. My son eats pretty healthy, but he does like his bowl of cereal every so often in the morning. My next goal is switching out the processed stuff for a better alternative. I'll have to see if I can sneak in some of the ones you suggested! Thanks!

    Holly at Not Done Growing

  2. Love this post! I'm totally on board with ditching the processed stuff! Ignore the fact that I blogged about Cheerios today. :) Your parfait idea is great.


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