Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tip for Tuesday: Clean Your Cast Iron

I love my cast iron skillet. I hate to clean it. I don't mind not using soap, but it makes it so much harder to get clean... until now!

You may have seen this tip before but it is SO worth sharing! Not my idea, as a matter of fact I'm not sure where it originated (shout it out if you know), but this is something that I am so glad I decided to try for myself!

Here's what to do:
Rinse your cast iron pan and scrape (with a plastic scraper) out any residue that you can.

Sprinkle seat salt to generously coat the pan (in the pic below, that's salt that is sprinkled on the pan, not food ;)). Then, scrub the pan with a stiff bristle brush until the pan is clean (I like to use a veggie scrubber). Rinse, dry, and season- that's it!

Don't forget to check out the giveaway we are a part of through May 4, 2013!

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