Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Cut the Junk: Lunch Swap

I have the hardest time with lunch. As a SAHM, you would think I'd have this meal under control, but alas, I don't. It seems that I my never-ending "to do" list gets in the way and by the time 1:30 rolls around I'm starving! There obviously needed to be a remedy to this problem, because when I'm starving... I'm cranky.

It's easy to default to something processed and/or quick. A frozen meal (Yes, even the "healthy" frozen meals), a box of pasta, or even a handful of chips. While these choices may satisfy someone for the time-being, it isn't doing much to nourish the body or give it sustainable energy to get through the afternoon. I used to always crash around 3:00 p.m.- like, I could hardly keep my eyes open and I'm not doing anything for the rest of the day. Then I started making better choices. No more crashing.

Here are a few of my healthy and "real food" lunch favorites!

1. Mixed salad topped with raspberry vinaigrette, fresh fruit with banana sauce

2. Whole wheat tortilla filled with peanut butter, banana, and honey, veggies with ranch dip, and sliced oranges

3. Whole wheat pita stuffed with fresh veggies, greek yogurt with berry sauce, grapes

4. Cheddar cheese grilled cheese sandwich, apple slices with peanut butter

5. Whole wheat pasta tossed with marinara sauce, whole wheat toast, and veggies

Keep your kitchen stocked with these foods so you'll always be able to make a "real food" lunch in a snap: 

Fresh fruit
Fresh veggies that are pre-cut. (Wash as soon as you get them home from the store, cut them up, and keep in a sealed container. It takes the work out of putting together when you're in a hurry.)
"Real"/"Natural" peanut butter
"Simply Fruit" jam
Natural cheese slices- like Sargento cheddar cheese slices
100% whole wheat bread
Homemade dips and sauces

Tip: I like to prep veggies and any dips or sauces on weekend afternoons so we're stocked up for the upcoming week. I make much better choices on busy week days because the "hard" part was already done. I don't want to take time to wash and cut fruits and vegetables when I have a to-do list that is a mile long. Just not going to happen.

Real food lunches can be super easy- just take a little time every week or two to do some prep!

Catch up on our "Cut the Junk" series:

Does your lunch need a makeover? Let us know and we might give it a face lift! Email your recipe to or leave it in the comment section.

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