Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tip for Tuesday: Room Temperature Eggs in a Minute

Remember the time you were reading that recipe for blueberry muffins and as you're mixing your ingredients together, you suddenly see that your eggs are supposed to be at room temperature? It magically appeared after you read through the whole recipe, didn't it? I know what you're talking about- happens to me all. the. time.

Bringing eggs to room temperature is actually super easy if you're like me and don't set them out ahead of time. It's really as easy as 1-2-3.

Grab a bowl and fill it with warm water.
Add your eggs to the bowl.
Let them sit for a minute or so.

Now who has an easy button, because "that was easy!".

We would love you to share your favorite tip with us. 
We might just try it out and feature you and your idea on Tip for Tuesday! 

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