Friday, April 12, 2013

A Favor and a Pep Talk

When you were little, and your mom told you to clean your room, and you didn't really feel like cleaning your room, did you ever push stuff under your bed to make it look like you had cleaned your room? Um, Me neither.

I didn't shove things in my closet either.

Or hide stuff under the pillows on my bed.

Or throw things in the drawers of my desk.


Now that I am a grown up and I have a whole house to pick up, I don't push things under the bed or shove stuff in closets anymore. But, if something should happen to find its way under my furniture, it might not find its home for a while.

A recent game of "find-the-lost-toy-so-kid-stops-crying" made me realize that a lot of toys and random things find their way under my furniture. Out of sight, out of mind phenomenon I suppose.

Strangely, it doesn't bother my type-A tendency to have everything in its place at the end of the night so I can sleep.  I can actually glance to my left and see one of Little Miss' toys under the TV stand, but I have no desire to pick it up and put it in her room. I'm sure there is some sort of psychological explanation for why I'm ok with this kind of disorderly-ness but why bother going into that now?

So, do me a favor, if you ever have the opportunity, please don't look under my furniture. And if you are the innovative type, I'm in the market for a vacuum-type device to transport things under my furniture to my kids' rooms- kind of like the tube at the bank drive-thru that transports your deposits to the teller.

If you see one on Etsy, let me know.


Keep in mind that it's ok to be "that mom". Sometimes that means being that mom who ignores the little toys under your couch so that you can keep your sanity. I can do that.

I couldn't find the author of this quote, if you know, please let me know so I can cite it properly. This is one quote that has been around Pinterest and I find it fitting for being happy as well as being a mom, being a wife, being who you are.

Make the most out of your day, friends.

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