Monday, April 29, 2013

Clean & Lean: Dishwasher Calves

I feel like I spend 70% of my time standing in front of the sink and dishwasher.

Sometimes I feel like a rebel if I just ignore the pile of dishes at the end of the day, like that's what Ferris Bueller would do. Sometimes I just say, "I'll do that tomorrow. If I feel like it."

Well, it always gets to me the next day. KC worries that I am getting sick if I leave dishes in the sink for too long. :) He helps out too. I will give him credit for that.

So, like all of my household chores, I like to make them count. I find motivation in knowing that I am taking care of multiple things at once.

You know how I work my arms when I am un-loading the silverware.

"And now, the rest of the story." {name that broadcasting icon}

Proper Form

  • Start with your feet together & tummy tight. 
  • When you do calf raises, raise both heels up at the same time so you are standing on your toes. See pic above.
  • As you slowly lower your heels, make sure you don't actually touch your heels to the ground until you are finished with your set. This keeps your calf muscle engaged through the entire set. See pic below.

Like so. I need a tan, obviously. Sorry you have to see my white legs.

Also, since I am sure you all are observant, my dishwasher is not open- I know. The pics weren't working with it down. A combo of focus and lighting issues. Trust me, in real life my dishwasher is open.

Clean & Lean

  • As you are loading the dishwasher, preferably the top rack items, do 3 sets of 10 calf raises.
  • Easy!

Step It Up

  • Work your way up to 3 sets of 15.
  • You know you can add ankle weights, like a boss.
  • If ankle weights still aren't enough, do one foot at a time {place your right foot behind your left ankle and lift your left heel. Do 10 reps and switch! 3 sets! Go! Can you feel the burn, now??}

You will feel the burn and imagine how awesome your calves will look in a cute skirt this Spring & Summer!  Not to mention how empty your sink will be!

Don't forget to check out the giveaway we are a part of through May 4, 2013!


  1. Thanks so much for stopping by for Plucky's Second Thoughts Party~ I have got to try this and I have those exact same pair of shoes:) Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines

  2. What a cleaver idea! :)

    Thanks for joining the Blog Hop this week!

  3. I love this! You see all these Pins about doing calf workouts while brishing teeth but it never occured to me not to let me heels hit the ground between reps. Thanks!

  4. Stopping by to tell you that I have nominated you for the Liebster Award, for more information go to:

  5. SO smart! I need to get these in whenever I can! Love the idea!

  6. Awesome idea!! Thanks for this great post! I have shared & linked this from my facebook page tonight - come stop by & check it out! :)


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