Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tip For Tuesday: Garbage Disposal Clean Up

I hate smells lingering in my kitchen. Chocolate chip cookies and fresh bread are about the only smells I want to saturate the place where I make all of our food.
Garbage disposal smells are unacceptable. Luckily, they are also really easy to get rid of!
I do this about 2-3 times a month:

Run your garbage disposal to make sure it is empty.

1 lemon, cut into 8 pieces
{Put the pieces into the garbage disposal.}

4-5 cups of ice cubes
{Turn on the garbage disposal and put the ice down 1 cup at a time until all the lemon pieces are gone.}

Voila! Clean garbage disposal!


  1. My sister does the same thing! Such a great tip! :)

    Thanks for joining the Blog Hop this week! :)

  2. I am SO trying this! I normally buy disposal freshener at the store, but this would be much more budget friendly! :)

  3. Thanks for this! I can't stand that smell either...this is a perfect solution, I can't wait to try it. Also thanks for stopping by Dear Beautiful You today. Christina at dearbeautifulyou.com


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