Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday Favorite: Baby Wipes

Baby wipes are awesome! I use them for lots of things. I always have them handy since I still have one in diapers. But, these wipes aren't just for baby bottoms!

  1. Clean microfiber fabric- I use wipes on my couch all. the. time. It will get out everything from chocolate to spilt milk to the mystery stickiness that finds its way in between the cushions.
  2. Clean kid-finger-smudges off your clothes- no more wearing lunch while running errands.
  3. Clean hands in a pinch- when you can't wash hands, wipes and sanitizer will do.
  4. Fix makeup smudges- just in case you realize your eyeliner isn't as straight as you thought it was at 6am...
  5. Clean little faces, and big faces too- BBQ, anyone?
  6. Clean wood surfaces in between dustings- think: kids finger smudges or snack residue on the coffee table, grab a wipey!
  7. Pet cleaner- if your pup gets a little muddy you don't have to call the groomer, just wipe it off. Use them on dirty paws too.
  8. Get grease or butter off your hands- sometimes soap can be too harsh when you have to wash your hands every 10 minutes while fixing dinner (I can't stand for my hands to be greasy, just me?).
  9. Get "sticky" off of hands, surfaces, & clothes- it works for candy-sticky, not as well for sticker-sticky. I know.
  10. Clean your keyboard- you won't believe how gross your keyboard is! Run a baby wipe over the keys and see for yourself.
For the record, I use unscented baby wipes. This way they work for sensitive skin and my house doesn't smell like a freshly changed diaper all the time...

How do you use baby wipes? Let me know if you have any more ideas!


  1. I def utilize 3,5 and 9 pretty much daily. Practiced number 1 just last night. I also use a clean one to get excess diaper rash cream off my fingers before I wash them. Funny, it seems to last better on fingers than bottoms. :) I'll also grab one if it's the closest thing available and I need to shorten a bug's life span. :)

  2. I use them on my couches too! I use them for everything really. LOL

  3. We use them for everything! The kids like them to wipe off the table. I'll use them to quickly wipe down the bathroom counter/sink. I always grab one when I'm painting my nails. And just about anything else!

  4. I have to say I bought one of those cute fancy wipes cases when I had my first daughter so I could hide that ugly plastic case.


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