Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tip for Tuesday: Picture Toy Storage Labels

Toys scattered everywhere and totally unorganized? I get it. I do. I try not to care that all the cars are in 5 different bins and the toy food is mixed in with puzzle pieces, blocks, and random toy pieces. Truth is, it drives me crazy.

To help the kids understand that each type of toy has it's own place, I created picture labels. I simply took a picture of the toys, printed with my home printer, then used clear packing tape to put it on the side or top of each plastic storage bin.

For things like blocks, vehicles, little people, etc. I just picked a few to group together and photograph- no need to photograph the entire bunch.

This has helped keep us much more organized- not perfect by any means, but it's much better! It's especially great for kids who, like my little dude, are very visual and have a hard time communicating. Also great for your littles who are just learning about cleaning up!

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