Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Freezer Meal: Turkey Meatballs

Cold weather = comfort food. It's really just that simple. So, it should come as no surprise that I'm about to share with you, what I think, is the ultimate comfort food- turkey meatballs. Simple, healthy, and delicious- especially with a side of yummy mashed potatoes and some veggies on the side.

(Please excuse the horrible lighting in these pictures. It was dark and all I had was my flash. Eek!)

Meatballs are one of my favorite items to have on hand because they can be used for many different dishes and they freeze really well. I serve them with mashed potatoes, use them to make meatball sandwiches, and put them on top of spaghetti!

You can easily make these gluten-free by using some GF bread, which is a major plus in my book!

Turkey Meatballs

1 lb. ground turkey breast
3 slices of whole wheat bread (or gluten-free), soaked in milk
2 tbsp. chopped onion (I use red onion, but you can use any type)
2 tbsp. shredded parmesan cheese
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
1/8 tsp. paprika
1/4 tsp. sea salt
1/4 tsp. pepper

Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees. Then, tear bread slices into pieces and soak in milk.

Mix turkey, onion, cheese, and spices in medium bowl. Be careful not to over-mix. Add soaked wheat bread to turkey mix (the soaked bread keeps the meatballs moist).

Form into balls and place on silicone lined baking sheet (a greased baking sheet works just fine too!). Bake approximately 25 minutes.

TO FREEZE: Allow meatballs to cool completely. Stick baking sheet into freezer for 10 minutes (this step is important- it keeps them from sticking together once frozen in the bag!), then place meatballs into a large freezer bag. 

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