Friday, October 18, 2013

Freezing Left-Overs {Freezer Cooking Secrets}

I'm one of those people who likes left-overs, but only once. When I'm planning our meals I have quite a few that I make because I know we will have left-overs the next night too.

After that, the chances of wasting food go way up. I don't know what it is, maybe I get bored with them, maybe I forget I have them, but left-overs just aren't anything that I rely on after 24 hours.

Because I hate wasting food- I have learned to freeze part of our left-overs. If we have more than enough for one more meal- it goes to the freezer! This little system has worked well for me. I usually use 2 lbs of ground beef when I am making things like chili, tacos, burgers, goulosh, meatballs, etc. For our family, this makes about 3 nights worth of meals. 1 portion is eaten right away, 1 portion goes in the fridge, 1 portion goes in the freezer!

I thaw the frozen meals out for weekend lunches or for busy nights where my meal plan doesn't go as planned.

To save space in the freezer (because I've also got cookies and such in there :)), I use freezer bags whenever I can. Here's my mommy machine secret to filling the bags:

First, get a big bowl or measuring cup. Place a big freezer bag in the bowl and turn the sides down over the edge of the bowl.

Now, fill the bag with your leftovers. Here, I'm putting chili in the bag.

 See how easy that was?

Now, pull the edges of the bag up and zip the bag shut getting out as much air as you can.

Here are my portions to put in the fridge and the freezer! Easy peasy!

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