Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday Fun: What's in my purse?

The air conditioner at my house went out this week. You'd think that it wouldn't be that big of a deal, it is October after all.

Well, here in Oklahoma it has been near 90 and humid. Needless to say, the post about pumpkin cookies will have to wait for Monday because there was no way I was turning on my oven this week!

As I was waiting for the AC Repairmen (who, btw, are my new best friends) I started cleaning out my purse. I try to do this often because of the way things accumulate. I tend to accrue receipts, small toys, dozens of pens, and gum wrappers- none of these things are necessary nor do I enjoy having them taking up space in my purse.

Cleaning out my purse makes it lighter and much less cluttered. I love being able to find exactly what I need at a glance.

So, here's what I keep in my purse at all times, and what my purse has now been restored to:
This purse is one of my favorites. It's a Jessica Simpson and I'm super smitten. There are two pockets on one wall, a middle divider/pocket, and a zipper pocket on the other wall. It's perfect for the items below and I always have room to stuff in a sippy cup and a couple of diapers for a quick trip to the store with the kids.

My wallet is fantastic. It is well worn because I take it with me even if I leave my purse in the car. I have all my cards in here plus a chapstick so ti's always too go grab'n'go!
I also keep my "project list" and a pencil handy so I can jot down ideas- the crayon os for Little Miss who likes to make her own "lists" while we shop.

I use the side pockets to keep personal items- lotion and lip gloss are a must have! I am always losing hair ties/clips but I like to have a couple of options handy.
Extra contacts, well, always be prepared!

Icebreakers Duo {Strawberry} make for a pretty good sweet-tooth-satisfier. I also cannot leave home without my gum. No bad breath, thank you.

My Erin Condren Life Planner is my life so it is always in my purse. If a purse can't hold my LP, I won't buy it.
I keep some papers in my LP, but anything I need to address quickly as well as my business cards and thumb drive get to stay separate.

When you put it all together, this is what you get!

Having a clean purse is kind of refreshing, don't you think?  AC is also refreshing. This I know.

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