Friday, October 25, 2013

We did a Photo Shoot & it was Hilarious!

This post is overdue. Like, way overdue.

In July, my family and I headed to Oklahoma to visit family and friends. Of course, when you're visiting family there are never-ending plans and people to see, but I was able to sneak in lake time with Lynns at the beginning of our trip.

It was awesome. Not because we did anything overly exciting, unless trying out Pinterest crafts, drinking wine, and eating lots of yummy food from Fresh Market counts. But, those things are the very reason it was awesome- we didn't have to rush here or there, we pretty much sat around the cabin and chatted.

We had talked about how we needed some "head shots" for the blog, so I brought my camera along with the intention of taking some quick shots. What we thought would be quick turned into something totally hilarious. Like, it's even kind of embarrassing to show you some of these out-takes, but whatever. I'm throwing caution to the wind this morning and I'm just goin' for it. Judge us all you want, but this was freaking hilarious. Especially the last pictures in this set- Lynnsey "cleaning" and I'm eating a bowl of fresh fruit. I mean, who comes up with this stuff?! :)

Nervous, Lynns?
 The classic jump shot. Didn't work out too well for us, but it was fun!
 Pat's Pot. 
Not sure what this look is, but it's a bit mischievous. 

I had a hard time being in front of the camera... so I just started giggling.

Cleaning, planning, healthy snacking. Bam.

Well, that was fun. And embarrassing.

What shenanigans will you be getting into this weekend? :)


  1. Cute pictures! :) Looks like you ladies had fun!

  2. That looks like a fun shoot! I love the pictures!


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