Monday, September 30, 2013

September in Review

How is tomorrow October 1? There are only 3 months until we hit 2014. Oh my.

Is it just me, or did September fly by?

Ok, so maybe I think every month flies by. But it's only because I'm having fun, right?

Looking back, here are our favorite posts of September.
Lots of Fall fun this month!

Favorite Recipe

Hello, Fall!

Favorite Tip
No more scraping and breaking nails over stubborn stickers!

Favorite Organizing Post
Keep up with kids' clothes, save time and money. Check, check, check.

Favorite Activity Post
Fall Bucket Lists
 Jess and I shared what we want to do with our families to enjoy Fall!

Favorite Friday Favorite
We love these handy lunch boxes that keep lunch organized and easy.

We hope you've had a great September too. We are excited for October and the fun things we have to share with you all!

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