Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Turkey Black Bean Chili Pasta

There's nothing I love more on a brisk fall or winter evening than to cook up a big batch of turkey black bean chili.

I've been making this chili for a few years now and it's definitely become a staple in our house- so much so that when the snow starts to fly, it's usually on our menu weekly! :)

There is usually a bunch leftover because I tend to make a double batch so we can have quick and easy dinner another night- like when I have absolutely no motivation or desire to cook because Little Dude was up at 4 a.m.!

An easy way to reinvent this chili is to turn it into a pasta. Oh my gosh you guys, this really is just so simple. All you have to do is reheat the chili, boil some noodles, and wallah! Dinner!

Turkey Black Bean Chili Pasta

Leftovers from 1 batch of Turkey Black Bean Chili (or a fresh batch!)
1/2 box of whole wheat pasta or gluten-free pasta (more or less depending on how many people you're feeding)
Shredded sharp cheddar cheese
Diced red onion
Plain greek yogurt

Boil water and cook noodles. While water is boiling for noodles, re-heat pasta.
Drain noodles and return to stovetop.
Scoop noodles into individual bowls and top with chili.
Add toppings and enjoy!

What's your favorite fall recipe?

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