Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tip for Tuesday: Freezer Cooking Staples

What comes to mind when you think about freezer cooking? Casseroles and crock pot meals, right?

My view of freezer cooking is a little different, as I don't take an entire afternoon or even a whole day to make up a bunch of meals to freeze. I freeze things as I go and a lot of the things I freeze are just components of dishes, rather than the dish itself.

Here are a few of my favorite freezer cooking staples:

Ground Beef/Turkey: Use to make a quick batch of sloppy joes, taco meat, burritos, quesadillas, chili, or spaghetti.

Chicken Breast: Throw this in soup, quesadillas, pasta, enchiladas, pizza, salad, or sandwiches. I shred a few and also leave a few whole.

Muffins: I freeze these and send them to school as part of Little Dude's breakfast. I usually pair it with a smoothie or some fresh fruit. Check out this muffin recipe- it's a great one!

Mixed Veggies: Most, if not all, veggies freeze very well. Most of my dishes consist of a mix of onion, peppers, and garlic so I always have this mix on hand. I leave the garlic out, though, as I like to use it fresh. For our favorite soups, I keep a mix of carrots, broccoli, and onion on hand.

Stay tuned for more great freezer cooking tips this week! If you need to catch up on yesterday's post, you can see it here!

What are your favorite freezer cooking staples?

1 comment:

  1. It is sooo nice to make meals with things we already have on hand! Thanks for this article.


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