Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tip for Tuesday: Bottom of the Bottle Paint Remedy

My kiddos love to paint. I mean love it. Yesterday, we got out the paint and realized the bottles were almost empty. Basically, any paint that was left was dried to the side of the bottle. Since the Easter bunny told me he was bringing new paint, I didn't want to go out and buy a brand new box.

Here's what I did to give new life to the little paint we had left: 

1. Add a small amount of water to the paint bottle. Start with a very small amount- you can add more later if need be.

2. Twist the cap back on and give the bottle a good shake.

3. Mix the paint and water around with a paintbrush. I've found this is the best method because you can get in all the hard to reach places of the paint bottle.

Your kiddos will have enough paint to be creative for a few more days while you make time for a Target trip!

We would love you to share your favorite tip with us. We might just try it out and feature you and your idea on Tip for Tuesday! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I wanted to check out what you have going on too. Great stuff. I love this idea with the paints and will definitely be using this tip. Thanks!


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