Friday, March 15, 2013

Kiddos Spring Wardrobe Checklist

Spring is right around the corner! Here in northeast Oklahoma, it feels like it's here already! I love Spring, {hate Spring allergies}, I love the freshness, I love the colors, I love the wardrobe!!

Spring means new clothes for my kids. Since having Little Miss, I have found that clothes shopping is more difficult. It's super cute- don't get me wrong- but it is so hard to find outfits that coordinate! Last year I found different pieces at different places and I still ended up with less than the necessary number of outfits... so, in the Fall I started a "system". It worked really well for Fall/Winter! Not everyone may need this, I realize that. But it works for me so I thought I'd share.

Reasons Why I Keep a Checklist 

  1. I like lists. They make my world go 'round.
  2. My kiddos are still at the age where they need new clothes every Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter. They grow FAST! I have never been able to pull out "last year's" Spring wardrobe for them... You're welcome Old Navy.
  3. I shop online, which means that I can save all of my selections in my shopping cart until I get an awesome coupon in my email!
  4. Shopping online also makes it easier to review my purchases so I can have an organized inventory.
  5. By knowing what I need {and checking it off my list when it goes in my shopping cart}, I can make sure I don't over shop.
  6. Laundry is one area where I do not like to over do it. The less I have to fold the better. Thus, my shopping "system".

A couple of things to note:

  • I do my kids laundry every 5 days meaning I try to have 6-8 outfits with the ability to mix and match.
  • It might be unconventional, but I find that it is way easier to buy my kids clothes at the same place- one stop shopping, plus all the colors match {I could write a whole post about pinks that don't match- it drives me crazy}.
  • I don't recommend this method for kiddos younger than 18 months, they go through more clothes than this in 5 days. My kids are almost 2 and 4 and a half so it works for us.
  • You don't have to stock up all at once! I make all my purchases at once, but if you spread it out, aim to have your closets stocked by Spring Break.
  • Make sure you take inventory of what you have and fill in where you need to.
  • Girls are more complicated than boys to shop for :-)

Here's what I stock up on for Spring/Summer:


5- T-Shirts
2- Polos
6- Shorts (4 athletic and 2 nicer)
2- Pants (1 pair that is "nice" and 1 pair that rolls up into shorts)
5- Pairs of Socks
5- Jammies
1- Jacket
1- Swim Suit
2- Flip Flops/Sandals
1- Tennis Shoes


3- T-Shirts
2- Tank Tops
3- Shorts
2- Capris
3- Dresses
5- Pairs of Socks
5- Jammies
1- Cardigan
1- Jacket
2- Swim Suits
2- Flip Flops/Sandals
1- Tennis Shoes


  1. I love your system - it would so work for my son, who's 2. My daughter on the other hand? Yeah, she's going on 5 months and this mommy has a serious baby clothes shopping addiction! I majorly hit up the clearance and she's good til Christmas :-)

  2. You have a great system. So organized! You'd think with two littles of my own, I'd have a system like this too. I think I'll just steal yours though! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I wish my closet and Savannah's look like your list. We are proabaly 5 swim suits for Savannah for summer already, 20 shirts plus, 8 jeans,10 shorts plus and etc..... The child has 20 pair shoes or more. We love clothes but we also apprectie handy downs too. I love your system. I hope one day our closet shrinks!

  4. Thanks for the link to Old Navy too. We add to Savannah's wardrobe! lol

  5. You have a great system!! the best laundry tip I found was having sock nets for every child....cut the phantom missing socks by an incredible amt!

  6. I've kept a spreadsheet for kid's clothes ever since having my daughter (my second child) last year.

    My strategy is to shop online clearance at the end of the season to prepare for that season next year. My spreadsheet lets me know how much of each type of clothing I have, so I don't end up with too much of one piece and not enough of another.

    I've been a little unsure, though, of just how much we should have of different items. Thanks for sharing your list; I'll be using it as my guide now!


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