Monday, March 4, 2013

Pep Talk: I'm That Mom

One reason I started to "clean and lean" was that I struggled to balance my time. I didn't want to be that mom that obsessed over getting to the gym or exercising. But I didn't want to be that mom that felt bad for not making time to take care of myself.

Finally it dawned on me, I can be that mom that does what works for me and my family.

I can be that mom who makes "me time".

I can be that mom who plays with my kids whenever the mood strikes me.

I can be that mom who has energy to keep up with my kids.

I can be that mom who doesn't get down on herself for letting the house get beyond messy.

I can be that mom who knows that whatever I get done in a day is enough.

I can be that mom who prioritizes my way- not the way others do.

I can be that mom who sets a good example for my kids.

I can be that mom who is happy to be me, happy to have kids that take up a lot of my time, happy to have a home that isn't Pottery Barn perfect, happy to fit into my jeans- no matter what size they are.

I deserve to be happy. But happiness is also a choice I make.

I choose to be that mom who is happy.

You deserve to choose to be happy, too!

What motivates you to choose happiness?


  1. Hi, I found you through the Bloggy Moms Blog Hop. I love your site, and this post is so refreshing! Its so hard to make room for "me time", but I'm working in it! I'm following you now, so nice to meet you... :)

  2. This is such great advice. Our temptation to be some other woman who seems "perfect" to us is so great. We know what's right for ourselves and our families, so let's start trusting our instincts!


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