Monday, March 11, 2013

Clean & Lean: Window Crunches

How often do you clean your windows? Before I started incorporating crunches into my routine, I only did windows once every 3 months. Not intentionally, I always meant to clean them more often but it is easy to ignore this tedious chore.

I like to do crunches standing up- since having kiddos it is better for my abs that way, and I don't have to worry about someone interrupting my set by sitting on my tummy!

So here's the math: stand up crunches + dirty windows = window crunches!

Proper Form

  • Start with feet shoulder width apart.
  • Tummy tight!
  • One hand on your hip, the other (with the paper towel) above your head.
  • Make sure you aren't bending forward or backward. Stand up straight.
  • When doing the movement, try to get your elbow and knee as close as you can.

Clean & Lean

  • Spray your glass cleaner.
  • Assume your starting position.

  • As you move your paper towel from above your head, move your arm and leg at the same time until your elbow and knee touch (or as close as you can get them).

  • Make sure the paper towel maintains contact with the window as you return to starting position. (Wax on, wax off. Anyone?)
  • Do 10 reps on one side and then switch. You may have to move on to another window to get all 10 in.
  • Start out doing 2 sets on each side and work your way up to doing these for every window in your house. With proper form, you can't do enough of these!

Step It Up

Once these are so easy you can do them with your eyes closed, try wrist and/or ankle weights to kick it up a notch.


  1. What a fabulous idea! If you have to clean, you might as well get something out of it right?
    Love it!

  2. Wow, your blog is wonderful, is a marvelous idea. Kisses from Spain.

  3. SUch a cute idea :) I might have to wash my windows more often. We have several sliding glass doors that have adorable little handprints all over them. The handprints are cute, but they don't look very good displayed on my glass, I suppose.

    Just found your blog through the Stichin' Mommy.

  4. great article maybe though intead of paper towels you try natural linen to polish can be rinsed out in cold water and dried more eco friendly


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