Monday, March 4, 2013

Fit Family: Get your Groove on

"Get your groove on." "Boogie down!" "Shake your boo-tay!" "Move it, move it!" "Get low." Whatever you want to call it, dancing is one of the easiest ways to get in some cardio- not only for yourself, but for the entire family! Everyone can do it, and it's so much fun!

It's so easy to crank up the volume on your radio iPhone and let yourself get completely silly with your kiddos. Time will pass and you'll have no idea you just did 30 minutes of cardio, burned off that cookie banana you ate for breakfast, and made memories with your kiddos.

My daughter absolutely LOVES to dance. She has moves I've never seen before, and sometimes I wonder where she learned them. Then I wonder if I should be worried. But I digress...  Her favorite songs to dance to are "Call Me Maybe" (I know, right? Carly Jasperson appeals to all ages, I guess!) and Taylor Swifts "Never Getting Back Together". She knows all the words to these songs, too. At 3 years old! I wonder if she'll remember them when she's a teenager. I'll have to give her a pop quiz when she's 13.

What songs make you want to get up and dance?

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