Friday, March 8, 2013

Company is coming! Company is coming!

I love having house guests!! Remember Monica from Friends? That should give you an idea.

I love to get every thing ready for company so that our house is clean and inviting.  By planning ahead, I don't have to worry about "chores" while they are here, I can enjoy our time together.

We have company arriving today so I put together a checklist of things I do to get ready.  In addition to this list, I like to bake something (like the good almost-Southern girl that I am). Since there is a kiddo the same age as my Little Man arriving shortly, we are going to make cookies after they get here :)

With wedding/graduation/spring break/vacation season approaching, I hope this helps you with any house guests who will be gracing you with their presence.

Enjoy, y'all!

In the week before they arrive:
o  Change the sheets
o  Wash the towels
o  Clean the bathrooms
o  Have extra toiletries on hand- just in case
o  Mop the tile floors
o  Stock the fridge and pantry
o  Vacuum

The day they arrive:
o  Clean the kitchen counters
o  No dirty dishes in the sink
o  Clean the sink
o  Run the garbage disposal
o  Dust
o  Clean the windows
o  Take out the trash
o  Finish all the laundry (so you don’t have to worry about it later)
o  Fluff the pillows (yes it matters)
o  Pick up clutter (try not to shove stuff in drawers, but do what you gotta do)
o  Vacuum again
o   Have fun!!


  1. Thanks for the checklist, will definitely be useful. I normally run around like a headless chicken stuffing all the clutter into draws.

    Radha xoxo

  2. Hi Jess and Lynns,

    It is nice to meet both of you. This is a lovely blog. Thanks for the checklist. I would like to thank you for joining the fun at Linkin' with my Ladies Blog Hop. I followed you via GFC, liked your FB page and Pinterest.
    All the best to your blog and see you around.

    Judy (Co-host)

  3. I've nominated your blog for the Liebster Award :)

    check it out:

  4. Great checklist! It helps spread the work out rather than trying to do everything the day before.

  5. We only have people coming over for the day but I feel like I need to do a whole house cleaning!


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