Monday, March 4, 2013

Healthilicious: Turkey Black Bean Chili

My absolute favorite meal on a cold winter day, or a rainy spring evening is Turkey Black Bean Chili. Funny thing is, I just learned how to make it a few years ago. Apparently, chili is super easy to make. Who knew? Not me! A friend of mine had a good laugh after I explained to her that I wanted to make chili, but had no idea where to start. Basically, she told me to dump a bunch of stuff into a pot and let it simmer.... done.

I knew I could make this super healthy for my family, so I created my own take on traditional chili. What I love about it is that it's so versatile, and I can swap ingredients when the mood strikes...or when an ingredient was forgotten at the grocery store. Of course, this never happens. ;)

Sometimes I serve this chili with my favorite gluten-free cornbread or corn chips. I always offer toppings- usually cheese and plain greek yogurt. Here's a hint: super sharp cheddar cheese packs a punch in the flavor department, which means you don't need to use as much. Give it a try with this recipe or any other recipe that calls for cheese! Also, plain greek yogurt is a great substitute for sour cream. We use both- it just depends on what we have on hand.

Turkey Black Bean Chili


1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1/2 lb. lean ground turkey breast 
2 cloves garlic, minced (or use a garlic press)
1 green pepper, diced
1/2 red onion, diced
2 cans low sodium black beans, drained and rinsed
2 cans chili beans
1 can Rotel
1/2 tsp. ground chili powder
1/2 tsp. ground cumin
Toppings: sharp cheddar cheese, plain greek yogurt (or sour cream)


1. In a large pot, warm olive oil. Add in minced garlic and ground turkey breast. Break up large pieces of turkey breast with a fork. Once turkey breast is cooked through, add peppers and onions to the pot. Cook just until softened. 

2. Add black beans (rinse and drain them first!), chili beans, and rotel to the pot. Stir together and add chili powder and cumin. Taste and add more spices to your liking. Let chili simmer 15-20 minutes. 

3. Serve alone, with cornbread, or with corn chips. Add toppings. Enjoy! 

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, that looks yummy! Thanks for linking up with Nomday Monday, Jessica. Have a great day! :-D


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