Monday, March 18, 2013

Clean & Lean: Spring Cleaning Special

It is no secret I like to clean. By this point you guys know that :)

I have my regular cleaning routine, things like vacuuming, windows, dishes, dusting, bathrooms- these are "the usual".

Twice a year I add a few additional chores to my "to do" list.  I try to knock out one extra chore during the week and (with KC's help) 2 on the weekend.  So you can see it takes me a few weeks to get through everything but thats ok.

To help me stay on track, I add the projects to my Life Planner, the same one I use for meal planning, errands, and appointments. When Erin Condren says "life planner"- she means it!

Sometimes I will get really excited and get ahead of myself. Saturday, we had an amazingly gorgeous day so I opened the windows. In doing so I realized just how dusty the shutters were! Oh my. I can't ignore that. While I may not have planned on dusting the shutters for a week or two, it got done Saturday. Check.

Here is my list of "above and beyond" cleaning.  Spring Cleaning Checklist, if you will.  Bonus: I've added in some suggestions for leaning as you clean!

Spring Clean & Lean To Do List
Clean out the fridge and freezer. {throw away outdated food, wipe the shelves and drawers down}
Try to do some squats while you're cleaning out the fridge and if your freezer is on top, work in some calf raises!
Clean out the pantry and/or spice cabinet. {throw away outdated food and dust off shelves}
Squats or lunges for lower shelves and calf raises for the upper shelves!
Wipe down the backsplash.
Keep your arm muscles tight and you will be surprised by the amount of muscle you'll use; how's that for "elbow grease"!
Clean the oven and microwave.
Squats and lunges!
Empty drawers- all of them! {throw away trash, donate unused items}
Keep your tummy tight and twist your torso while keeping your hips facing the front- ab workout!
Wipe down the fronts of cabinets and doors, go ahead and run a microfiber cloth along your walls too.
Think “Karate Kid”- wax on, wax off. Great for your arms, keep your tummy tight for core benefits too!
Move appliances and clean the floors and walls behind them. Don’t forget to get behind the washer and dryer!
Focus on not using your back while moving things- no injuries please! You will work your legs if you are using proper form.
While vacuuming, move all furniture and vacuum or mop underneath.
Again, proper form please! You know how I feel about vacuum lunges!
Dust the blinds and/or shutters. {wash or dry clean curtains}
While doing this, keep your elbows up. Don’t put your arms down to your side and you will FEEL it!
Fireplace {if you have a wood burning one}
Do some side lunges while you scoop out ashes.
Closets and dressers {put up winter clothes, take out spring/summer wardrobe- donate unworn clothes while you’re at it}
Stand with you feet shoulder width apart and alternate legs kicking back to your boo-tay. 
Dust fan blades.
Keep your tummy tight and reach up, crunch your abs as you dust the fan blade. (standing crunches, get it?)
Clean the windows- inside and out!
Standing side crunches.
Sweep out garage and porches.
More ab work. Keep those abs tight and focus on working them, you’ll feel it!
Put Drano I all drains.
How about doing 30 seconds of plank pose for each drain- I dare you!
Vacuum couches, cushions, and mattresses.
Keep proper form (tummy tight, don’t hurt your back) and this work out will take care of itself.
Dust baseboards and moldings.
Squats with a twist for baseboards and try some jumping jacks as you reach for the moldings. You can do it!


  1. Great tips! I love killing two birds with one stone! Pinning for future reference.

  2. Oh I wish I liked to clean! I do love the idea of make it part of your workout though. I could always fit in another workout.


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