Monday, March 4, 2013

Clean & Lean: Vacuum Lunges

In my house, the floors are mostly carpet, aaaaaand I have 2 kids and 2 dogs. I could vacuum 3 times a day if I wanted to keep up with the mess. Our poor carpet...

I settle on 2-3 times a week, for my own sanity. Honestly though, I really don't mind vacuuming. It is instant gratification. And it means I don't have to lint roll my clothes as often- a chore I really don't like as much.

I love dumping out the canister on our Dyson vacuum. It makes me realize all that I was able to accomplish. Sometimes I will empty the canister after each room just to see which one was the dirtiest that day. That may be TMI, huh?

I could write an ode to vacuuming out the couch and the satisfaction I feel after cleaning under the cushions, but not today. Maybe later.

The other plus to vacuuming is that it forces me to pick up the clutter. Even the kids pick up their toys for fear of the vacuum getting them. When you are finished with the vacuum, you have clean, picked up floors. For at least 2 minutes. Bliss.

Taking this gratifying chore to the next level and knocking out a great leg workout is even better! Lunges are a natural motion when vacuuming, it just takes a little concentration.  Vacuuming elevates your heart rate too so that's an added bonus. 

When incorporating lunges into your vacuum routine, proper form is key! Don't rush these or you could hurt yourself.  This is not the kind of vacuuming you do 2 minutes before company comes over. Make sure you have the time to do these right and you will be surprised by how great your legs will start to look and feel... Do you really think I would have taken pictures in leggings if I hadn't been doing my lunges for a couple of weeks prior to writing this post? Um, no. So, just trust me. 

If you need to distract the kiddos, one episode of Bubble Guppies usually gives me enough time to get the job done and my leg workout in for the day.

Proper Form

  • Always start a lunge standing straight, feet side by side. Put one hand on your hip and the other on the vacuum handle.

  • A lunge is when you step out with one foot, leaving the other foot planted.
  • The idea is not to step out so far that you are stretching, but far enough so that you can bend your knee (same side as the foot you are stepping out with) at a 90 degree angle. Your stationary-foot-side-leg will be extended so that your knee almost touches the ground- but not quite!

{make sure your knee bends at an angle that does not go over your toe!}
  • To finish the lunge, slowly bring your feet back together- leave your stationary foot where it is, and bring the opposite foot back to its starting place. Don't "push off" with your extended foot. Control the motion and make it fluid, think "graceful" {vacuum ballet- ha!}.
  • Tummy tight at all times. Like you are pulling your belly button to your back.

Clean & Lean

  • Push the vacuum out as you step into the lunge.
  • Pull it back towards you as you step back.
  • Do 10 lunges with one foot stepping out, and then switch feet and put the vacuum handle in the opposite hand, too.
  • You will have to move slightly in between lunges so you aren't vacuuming the same strip of carpet each time- this adds an extra element to the workout and engages more muscle!
  • Take a short break in between rooms {i.e, moving from the living room to the dining room} to give your muscles a rest- don't stop moving though! Just walk in place for 10 seconds {or move the plug-in from room to room} and then get back to lunging!
  • See if you can do at least 3 sets of 10 as a starting point {2 sets of 10 is great for beginners though}
  • Work your way up to 4 sets of 12 and then step it up!

Step It Up

  • Ankle weights make this exercise much more difficult. Once you've got the basics down, give it a try!
  • You can also incorporate arm movements for the arm that isn't pushing the vacuum- extend the arm out in front of you with one lunge and on the next extend it to your side {instead of keeping it on your hip}. This will also help with coordination as you are asking your brain to do lots of things at once.
  • If you are feeling like a pro and if you have a kiddo young enough, really challenge yourself and hold them! Make sure you keep that tummy tight to avoid a back injury though- and don't do the"mom hip" {holding the kiddo on your hip and pushing that hip out to help you support their weight}, it will ruin your form and could lead to injury.  This is a great way to work your arms at the same time as your legs.

Now go clean, your legs will thank you!


  1. Great tips! You get fit and the bonus of a clean house at the end of it!

    Sita xx

  2. Blog hopping from Monday Mingle - great tips on exercising while housecleaning. My boys are old enough to do that chore so I have to find my exercise elsewhere - lol!

  3. Hi Jessica! It seems we do have a whole lot in common! :) I'm happily following along and very excited to read more! Its lovely to meet another Mama who is on the same journey and hopes to inspire others..

    Hope you are having a lovely day!

    Aanika X

  4. Newest follower here! I found you through the blog hop. You have a super cute blog, I can't wait to read more. You can find me at


  5. Following you from Blog Hop...Nice to meet you!



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