Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Healthilicious Apple Pizza Bar

School started for my kiddos yesterday and I couldn't be more thrilled! I'm pretty sure they were both excited to get back into a routine, see their friends, and do what they do best at preschool- play! I'm excited because I get a little peace and quiet during the day, I can be a bit more productive, and let's face it- reclaim my sanity! :)

One thing I love to do for the kids during the school year is whip up fun after-school snacks. Don't get me wrong- I don't put this much effort into their snacks every day, but about once a week I surprise them with something fun and different.

Yesterday, I made up this apple pizza bar. So fun, right? Plus, apples are in season now and I get a little obsessed with them this time of year. My absolute favorite apple is Honeycrisp... you just can't beat it. Except for this one time, when I had a Moscato apple. Yes, Moscato- it was amazing, but I haven't seen them in a couple years now. Boo-hoo. Guess I'll just have to have a glass with my Honeycrisp apple instead!

Anyway, the possibilities are endless with this apple pizza bar. You could set this out at your fall or Halloween party, during Football game get togethers, or even at your kiddo's birthday party.

It's simple to put together- just gather up some yummy apples, core them, and slice them horizontally. Grab some toppings (don't worry- I'm sharing our ideas!), silverware, napkins, and plates to set out at the table and you're good to go.

Mom's pick:
peanut butter/ mini chocolate chips/almonds/cinnamon

You'll want to have a base to spread on your apples so the toppings stick. We picked greek yogurt (surprised? I didn't think so.) and peanut butter.

You could also try:
Fruit spread
Almond butter (or any other nut butter)
Whipped greek yogurt cream
Cream cheese sweetened w/ pure maple syrup

Here are a few of our topping ideas: 

Chocolate chips (all varieties- milk, semi-sweet, dark, and white)
Unsweetened coconut flakes (try toasting them- yum!)
Cereal crumbles (our Envirokids Gorilla Munch worked perfect!)
Homemade Berry Sauce
Homemade Chocolate syrup (this is our favorite recipe!)

You could also add in candy (great way to use up that extra Halloween candy!) or other sweets to the mix if you want to make this more of an indulgent or dessert apple bar.

KK's pick: greek berry yogurt/raspberries/kix cereal

Food is so much more fun when it's interactive, isn't it? I think so!


  1. Yum! This is such a fun idea for snack time!

  2. I love it! I am always looking for fun (dare I say cool) ways I can serve healthy food to my kids, especially when their friends come over. I like to think of it as healthy in disguise. That is no ordinary apple. That is a really great snack. Thanks so much for sharing this with our readers at "Let's Get Real". I can't wait to see what you bring next week. I've just got to share this with my FB fans.

  3. This is a great idea! My kids would love this, especially as part of our apple unit! Thanks!

  4. For sure could put m&m's or cut up snickers. Several things could work! Great idea!


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