Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Healthilicious Lunch Box Ideas

My kiddos have been in school for a week now, and although I only have to pack lunch for one of them, I'm already stressing out about making sure he gets a good variety of foods in his lunch box every day.

Luckily, there have been lunch box posts all over Pinterest this past month which has given me some inspiration... but because of my love for lists, a list of lunch options works best for me. If you're a lover of lists and stuck in a lunch box rut, this post is for you!

I try to choose a food from 3-4 of these categories every day. I usually do a PB & J once a week, but like to mix it up on the other days. Try hummus w/ whole wheat crackers in place of a sandwich or send a greek yogurt along to double as dairy and protein! Sometimes I even send "breakfast" for lunch- whole wheat waffle strips, greek yogurt, and a fruit is a quick lunch to put together and it's nutritious!

Have a picky eater? See how Lynns packs for her kiddos!

What are your favorite healthy lunch box fillers?

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