Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tip for Tuesday: The Secret to Perfectly Seasoned Meat

Today's tip comes from none other than my hubs, A. I'm not gonna lie, this tip is pretty ingenius and I'm a bit jealous that I didn't come up with it myself. He's also really excited that his "system" is blog worthy and has been bugging me for over a month about when I'm finally going to share it with all of you. Oh, the life of a blogger's husband!

So, one evening we were getting ready to throw some chicken on the grill, and I asked A to season the chicken. He started to do the most bizarre thing (well, that's what I thought at the time)- he was pouring all of the seasoning onto a plate... not on the chicken. I just kind of watched him for a minute because I was totally confused, but realized that he was basically a genius.

Here's the (his) secret to perfectly seasoned meat:

Grab a plate and all of your seasonings.
Shake out your seasoning onto a plate. Just enough for one side of your meat (or veggies too, I suppose!).
Lay your meat on the plate and press down on it a few times to be sure the seasoning sticks.
Season the side facing you...
... and that's it.

Simple, but very effective. I used to get so annoyed when seasoning things because when I'd flip it over, half the seasoning would come off. That doesn't happen with this little trick from A.

What is one of your favorite tips? Share with us and we may feature it on a future Tip for Tuesday!

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