Friday, September 20, 2013

Why I Bought a Treadmill

So, we bought a treadmill.

I realize this seems silly for me to be blogging about this purchase, this isn't a sponsored post.

Part of living healthy is making sure you are active. I am certainly active with my kids, but I know that I need to go above and beyond day-to-day activity to keep in shape and continue to push myself to stay healthy.

We have been talking this purchase over for a while now. I have gotten into my "clean & lean" routine and I have told you all how it has helped me. But I have reached a plateau point- that point in any lifestyle change where your body gets used to a certain activity level and calorie intake and settles into a certain weight. In order to move on to the next plateau (and drop more weight), you have to make additional change.

My change, beginning this summer, has been to walk/run in addition to my "clean & lean" schedule. The problem was that I live in Oklahoma where the summers are super hot and humid (excuse). It is also difficult to find a good time to get in a 30 minute walk/run (excuse). I wasn't able to keep up a consistent schedule and it was frustrating. So we started looking at treadmills.

Talk about an agonizing decision. There was a "pro/con" list for this for sure. Here's what swayed us:
  • We can get our cardio while the kids are napping or playing.
  • We don't have to worry about the weather being an excuse.
  • We both needed something to constantly motivate us- nothing says motivation like a couple hundred bucks sitting in your bedroom.
We have had the treadmill for about a month now and I have already noticed a difference in my energy level! Using it consistently- 30 minutes 3-4 times a week- has helped tremendously. I don't weigh myself, but I can say that my pants are fitting loser and my goal is to be down at least one size by my birthday (in Feb).

I am excited about being able to change up my workouts and continue to improve my fitness routine. I doubt this will be the last blog about my treadmill. :-) This is one step in a healthier direction for me!

What is something you've done this summer to be healthier? I'd love to hear it!

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