Monday, September 9, 2013

What I Pack My Kids For Lunch

My Little Man is a picky eater. Super picky. He gets it from me so I can't complain. Little Miss is a pretty good eater, she likes most things that I give her. She gets that from her dad, thank goodness.

I usually make all of our meals myself so I can accommodate my kids' likes and dislikes. I'm not a short-order cook, but I try to make sure my kids get balance and variety in their meals.

Lunch is the only meal we don't eat together. Little Man takes his lunch to school and Little Miss takes hers to Mother's Day Out.

My main goal with their lunches is to pack things they will eat- hungry kids don't pay attention well in school. Secondarily, I try to have at least 3 out of the 5 food groups packed for them. This is harder than you think because of my son's picky-ness and because I can't send nuts in my daughter's lunch.

Here's what our typical lunches look like:
For my picky eater
I always have a "snack" item just in case he doesn't feel like eating his sandwich, or in case he's extra hungry!
I mix up the applesauce with strawberries or grapes at least once a week.
The bread for the PB&J is homemade. Here's the recipe link.
Counting the peanut butter, he's got 3 food groups.

No Nuts
Little Miss is 2 so she doesn't need as much to eat, but still needs the variety.
I break up the turkey and cheese so it is better finger food for her. I will mix up the lunch meat and occasionally use ham. If we had chicken the night before, I will switch turkey for a few bites of the leftovers.
I love the GoGo Squeeze applesauces. Here's how Jess makes her own applesauce pouches (super easy!). I will also trade out the applesauce for strawberries or grapes if I have some in the fridge.
The goldfish and rasins are in case she is still hungry. The goldfish are her "grain" to help fill her up and keep her full until snack time.
4 food groups here!

When it comes to prepping lunches, I wish I could say that I was super prepared and make the kids lunches the night before. But I don't. Everything here is quick. That's important for me in the morning.

I also wish I could say that I have so many cute, fun lunches pinned so that I can make super cute things every week. But I can't. I send my kids with foods that I know they will eat. I have a few variations so they won't get bored, but filling up their tummies with semi-healthy food is my main goal.

Packing lunches may be a chore, but I feel better knowing my kids are happy and well fed.

Do you pack your kiddos lunch? Tell us their favorite lunch item!

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