Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday Favorite: Chalkboard Contact Paper

I first saw this product on Pinterest. Chalkboard is all the rage, right? But chalkboard contact paper... this could be interesting.

A quick Amazon search revealed the wonderfulness that is Chalkboard Contact Paper. There are lots of ways to use this stuff, but I thought I'd share my favorite way- this is a "friday favorite" after all.

I have an end cabinet that faces the dining room but is on the edge of the kitchen.  I put the contact paper on the cabinet and when I'm making dinner and my kids are underfoot, I give them a piece of chalk! It buys me 15 minutes or so. The chalk doesn't damage the cabinet, I just wipe it off with a microfiber cloth.

I also read on a blog that when kids hold the chalk and write on a vertical surface it builds little muscles in their wrist that help with fine motor skills! Bonus!

You can see how much we use this. It's a little worn, but not to worry... It peels right off so new stuff can be put up!

Have a great Friday!


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