Monday, May 13, 2013

Healthilicious: Grandma's Banana Bread

My Grandma knows how to bake. That's for sure. She gets credit for the yummiest oatmeal cookies and, as you will soon see, her banana bread is the best. I love it. It never lasts long in our house.  Even my kids eat it up!

I love bananas. As a side note, I feel the need to point out, Jess and I don't deny our love obsession with the Pioneer Woman. This is one time I kind of disagree with her, though. She doesn't like bananas! I try to understand because I love PW, but I can't imagine not liking this super fruit ;) I usually buy some every week at the grocery store.  Sometimes I buy extra so I can make banana bread.  The best bananas to use for this recipe are the over-ripe ones.

Now, my disclaimer is that "over-ripe" to me means the bananas have lost the last hint of green color. Once there are brown spots on the banana, I'm out. Over it. Not gonna peel it anymore. Those bananas are destined for banana bread.  The riper they are the more banana flavor they will add to the banana bread and then I don't feel wasteful. *bonus*

Another bonus- and what makes this bread a healthilicious recipe- is that bananas are packed with good-for-you stuff. Bananas are a "super fruit" for many reasons, here are a few:
  • Did you know that if you are prone to soreness after working out you should eat a banana? The potassium from the banana will help to take the lactic acid (stuff that makes you sore) around your muscles away.
  • The bananas are a good source of fiber. Add in the whole wheat flour from this recipe and you're getting some great fiber. You know, so you can have a "regular" day **wink*wink**.
  • Bananas are also really good at boosting your energy levels because they have B vitamins, another reason this bread recipe is a great choice for breakfast!

Let's bake!

1 c. sugar
1/2 c. vegetable oil
2 eggs
3 bananas- smushed up {I peel them, put them on a plate, and then smash the bananas with a fork}
1 tsp. baking soda
2 c. flour {I use 3/4 c. whole wheat flour and 1-1/4 c. all purpose flour}
1/2 c. wheat germ {this is optional, if you use wheat germ, don't use whole wheat flour}
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Combine ingredients above in the order they are listed making sure to mix each ingredient until incorporated before adding the next. Add the flour 1/2 c. at a time to make sure it is well incorporated.

Pour batter into a well greased 10" loaf pan.

Bake for an hour {check it after 50 minutes though}. The bread is done with it splits on the top and a tooth pick inserted into the middle comes out clean.

I prefer mine to be served topped with butter, but it's good plain too!

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