Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Abe Lincoln + Starbucks + Kelly Clarkson

Remember that one time when your husband threw $5.00 at you and told you to go to Starbucks?

Oh, I do. 

It just happened on Tuesday- I was standing in the dining room and all of a sudden good ol' Abe Lincoln came flying towards me. I was thinking, "Is this a dream?".

$5.00 doesn't buy much these days, but my Venti Non-fat Decaf Iced Caramel Macchiato (say that 3 times fast!) comes in at $4.91. And that, my friends, is $5.00 well spent . I know you're all wondering why I would get decaf, because really, what's the point of coffee without the caffeine, right?  Oh, I get it. I used to think the same thing about "those people who order decaf".  I don't even want to admit the amount of caffeine I consumed shortly after my twins were born. I really should have invested in an IV and some Starbucks stock.

Anyway- that's a post for another day. 

Equally important is the fact that the nearest Starbucks is 30 minutes away, which means at least 1 hour and 15 minutes to MYSELF. And I get control of the radio. Again, "Is this a dream?".

So, I got out of my sweats, prettied myself up, and out the door I went. I plugged in my iPhone, cranked up some Kelly Clarkson, and hit the road. I grabbed my coffee and decided to hit up Hobby Lobby before heading home. Of course they had a sale (when don't they?) and of course I found a super cute teal and coral chevron picture frame. I can't pass it up- 3 of my favorite things in one frame. It was love at first sight.

I ended up being away from my house for almost 6 hours because my afternoon was full of appointments. Can I just tell you how much better I felt after getting out the house and doing something just for me? Honestly, I need to do it more often. We all do.

Today's life lesson: When your husband throws money at you and tells you to go to Starbucks (or Target, or Hobby Lobby, or... you get the point.), you listen.

What do you that is just for you?

And if you're a coffee addict, like myself, head over to our Facebook page and tell me your order! I seriously feel like I have the most complicated coffee order. Again- a post for another day.


  1. Days to yourself are so nice! :)

  2. Hi Jess and Lynns,

    You have been featured at Breaking Rules Party#3.
    Click Here

    Thanks for linking with us.




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