Friday, May 24, 2013

Pep Talk: One Hour All to Myself

When thinking about what it is that recharges me- my mommy-ness, my motivation, my ability to care about anything- I have found that an hour all to myself works better than anything else.

Usually, I am the last one to go to bed at night. I am a night owl. Not a morning person.  My family does not have this nocturnal tendency. Fine with me :-)

Most nights I take a whole hour to myself to sit and do absolutely nothing. I usually get lost on Pinterest or engrossed in watching Conan. Or both.
A little Pinterest, a little Conan. Good stuff.
I don't worry about the mess, the dishes, the laundry, text messages, emails, blogs, the upcoming day. I don't think, really. It is the best thing I do for myself.

I think sometimes we get so caught up in what's coming next and what we should be doing now that we forget to just relax. If we are constantly moving then we forget how glorious it can be to just sit and be still.

Take the time- maybe you don't need a whole episode of Conan, maybe a cup of coffee by yourself in the morning is your energy boost. Whatever you need, make it happen. It is worth it.

What recharges you?

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