Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tip for Tuesday: Meal Planning Idea List

Making dinners every night can get exhausting and a lot of us end up in a "food rut"- eating the same dinners over and over again.

When I meal plan for the week I always reference my idea list. It jogs my memory of dishes we really love, but haven't had in a while.

My list isn't fancy. It's handwritten and kept in my kitchen so it's easily accessible to me.

Keep a list (typed or handwritten) of main dishes and sides, and add to it when you find a new recipe you love (I do this when I find a great recipe from Pinterest!). Makes meal planning much quicker and adds variety to your dinners throughout the week!

We would love you to share your favorite tip with us. We might just try it out and feature you and your idea on Tip for Tuesday! 

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